What is the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique and How Can It Be Used to Turn a Customer Objection into a Sale?

What is the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique and How Can It Be Used to Turn a Customer Objection into a Sale?

Introduction: What is the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique and How Can It Be Used to Turn a Customer Objection into a Sale?

In the world of sales and persuasion, effective communication is key to successfully addressing customer objections and converting them into sales. One powerful technique that sales professionals often employ is the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique. This approach allows salespeople to empathize with the customer, relate to their concerns, and share experiences that demonstrate how others have overcome similar objections. By utilizing the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique, sales representatives can turn customer objections into opportunities and ultimately close more deals.

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1. Understanding Customer Objections

Before diving into the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique, it’s essential to comprehend the nature of customer objections. When potential customers express concerns or hesitations about a product or service, they are presenting objections. These objections may arise due to various reasons such as price, functionality, quality, or competition. Sales professionals need to address these objections effectively to build trust and guide the customer toward making a purchase.

2. Introduction to the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique

The “Feel, Felt, Found” technique is a persuasive approach that enables salespeople to connect with customers by acknowledging their objections and demonstrating how others have overcome similar concerns. This technique involves three steps: acknowledging the customer’s feelings, relating to those feelings based on personal or shared experiences, and highlighting positive outcomes or solutions that have been discovered.

3. Step 1: Empathize and Understand

When a customer presents an objection, the first step is to show empathy and understanding. Begin by acknowledging their concerns and validating their feelings. By doing so, you establish a rapport and create an atmosphere of trust. For example, if a customer expresses concern about the price of a product, you could respond by saying, “I understand how you feel. Many of our customers initially felt that way too.”

4. Step 2: Share Similar Experiences

In the second step, you share experiences of other customers who initially felt the same way but eventually found value in the product or service. By sharing these stories, you provide social proof and demonstrate that their concerns are not uncommon. For instance, you could say, “One of our customers, Sarah, felt skeptical about the price at first. However, after using the product for a few weeks, she found that it actually saved her money in the long run.”

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What is the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique and How Can It Be Used to Turn a Customer Objection into a Sale?

5. Step 3: Present a Solution

Once you have empathized with the customer and shared relevant experiences, it’s time to present a solution that addresses their objection. This step involves highlighting the benefits, features, or unique selling points of your product or service that directly counter their concern. For example, you could say, “Based on what you’ve shared, I believe our product’s durability and long lifespan would be an ideal solution for you. Many of our customers who had similar concerns found that our productsignificantly outlasted competitors, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.”

6. Case Study: How the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique Turned an Objection into a Sale

To better understand the effectiveness of the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique, let’s explore a real-life case study. John, a sales representative, encountered a customer objection regarding the complexity of a software solution. The customer expressed concerns about the steep learning curve and the time it would take to train their team.

John employed the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique by acknowledging the customer’s feelings and stating that many others felt the same way initially. He shared a story about another client who had similar concerns but found that after implementing the software, their team quickly adapted and experienced increased efficiency.

John then presented a solution, emphasizing the user-friendly interface, comprehensive training resources, and ongoing customer support. He highlighted how other clients had found the software to be intuitive and easy to learn. As a result of implementing the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique, John successfully turned the customer’s objection into a sale, showcasing the power of this approach.

7. Tips for Effective Application

To maximize the impact of the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique, consider the following tips:

  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to the customer’s concerns, ensuring that you understand them fully before responding.
  • Storytelling: Craft compelling stories of other customers who have experienced similar objections and found success with your product or service.
  • Customization: Tailor your responses to address specific objections and demonstrate how your solution meets the customer’s unique needs.
  • Confidence and Authenticity: Deliver your message with confidence and authenticity, as this will enhance your credibility and trustworthiness.

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8. Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While using the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique, sales professionals may encounter some challenges. Here are a few common ones and strategies to overcome them:

  • Resistance to Change: Some customers may be resistant to change or skeptical of new solutions. Address their concerns by providing evidence, testimonials, and guarantees to build trust.
  • Lack of Relevant Experiences: If you don’t have a direct customer testimonial for a particular objection, draw from your own experiences or share success stories from similar industries or use cases.
  • Overcoming Price Objections: If a customer raises concerns about the price, emphasize the value and long-term benefits your product or service provides, ultimately outweighing the initial investment.


The “Feel, Felt, Found” technique is a valuable tool in a sales professional’s arsenal. By empathizing with customers, sharing relatable experiences, and presenting effective solutions, objections can be turned into opportunities for closing a sale. Remember to listen actively, personalize your responses, and deliver them with confidence. Mastering this technique will help you build trust, address objections effectively, and ultimately achieve higher conversion rates.

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Q1: Can the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique be used in different industries? Absolutely! The “Feel, Felt, Found” technique can be applied across various industries as long as there are customer objections to address. By tailoring your responses to specific concerns, you can effectively utilize this technique in any sales context.

Q2: Is it necessary to have personal experiences for every objection? While personal experiences can enhance the effectiveness of the technique, they are not always mandatory. Sharing stories of other customers or industry examples can still provide the necessary social proof to address objections successfully.

Q3: How can I overcome objections related to competition? When facing objections related to competition, focus on highlighting the unique features, benefits,or advantages of your product or service. Showcase what sets you apart and explain how customers have found greater value or better outcomes by choosing your offering over competitors.

Q4: Can the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique be used in written communication? Yes, the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique can be employed in written communication as well. By crafting persuasive stories and testimonials, addressing objections, and presenting solutions, you can effectively utilize this technique in emails, sales letters, or website content.

Q5: How can I ensure that the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique comes across as genuine? To ensure authenticity, it’s important to genuinely listen to your customers, understand their concerns, and respond with sincerity. Avoid using scripted or robotic language and focus on building a connection by relating to their experiences and providing genuine solutions.

Incorporating the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique into your sales approach can significantly impact your ability to address objections and turn them into successful sales. By empathizing with customers, sharing relevant experiences, and presenting effective solutions, you can build trust, overcome hesitations, and ultimately drive more conversions. Mastering this technique takes practice, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

How to Rapidly DOUBLE Your Sales Team’s Closing Rate on the Phone (Click Here To Watch)

What is the “Feel, Felt, Found” Technique and How Can It Be Used to Turn a Customer Objection into a Sale?

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